Welcome to my attempt at recreating the life and adventures of Molly Fyde, a young lady from the 25th century. An electronic reader full of information, all of it orbiting Molly Fyde, was given to me by a strange lady half a year ago. There are millions of pages of material to sort through, many of them written by Molly herself. As I attempt to organize them into a readable narrative, I have set up this blog as a repository for my findings. Some entries will be pulled right from The Reader and remain in Molly's words. Some will come from her crew. Much will be from me, as I detail my struggle to tell her story.


Back to the Research

After being consumed by my research into Molly's life for half a year, I expected the dissemination of her work to provide a much-needed respite. The opposite has been the case. Delving into the nasty world of book publishing has me longing for a return to The Reader and my editing of the second entry in her narrative.

There are so many other people out there selling science fiction that my science fact is lost in the noise. And how can a story, no matter how adventurous and bizarre, compete with the pure fancy of fiction? Well, for me, there's no contest. Knowing that these events will happen makes them more powerful in my esteem.

My last week has been almost as crazy as my visit by the Bern Seer. It began with some research into various agents and publishers. If I wanted to submit directly to a publisher I could, but they are swamped on entries and cutting back on publications (especially first-time authors). Better to have an agent get you on top of the pile.

So, I've sent query letters to a dozen agents that handle science fiction (I can't avoid the genre. People will believe James Frey... but not this). The problem here is that they are contracting as well. If my writing is not spectacular enough to sell Molly's story on page 1, they move to the next query. And I don't blame them. The reader is going to do the same thing.

One small publisher is interested and another has asked for sample chapters. It will be interesting to hear their opinion on my writing. They will, of course, be judging it alongside fiction that is meant to entertain. Did I do an adequate job of detailing Molly's adventures in a manner appropriate for casual readers? I suppose that's the crux of this exercise. To settle that question.

It'll be a few weeks before the dust settles and my options for spreading Molly's tale can be properly gauged. Until then, I need to get back to what I used to find laborious and now recognize as comforting. Back to the second book with a full edit. I would love to have the draft readable and complete before I depart on my "vacation." More on that later.

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