Welcome to my attempt at recreating the life and adventures of Molly Fyde, a young lady from the 25th century. An electronic reader full of information, all of it orbiting Molly Fyde, was given to me by a strange lady half a year ago. There are millions of pages of material to sort through, many of them written by Molly herself. As I attempt to organize them into a readable narrative, I have set up this blog as a repository for my findings. Some entries will be pulled right from The Reader and remain in Molly's words. Some will come from her crew. Much will be from me, as I detail my struggle to tell her story.


A Pleasant Birthday Surprise

I'm normally not one for lavish birthday presents. However, at a small celebration with friends and family last night, I received a wonderful little gift: the new UniBall Premier 207 ball-point pen in silver with Squishy Grip™.

Wow. What a writing utensil! I've owned a hand-me-down Mont Blanc before, and while the snowpeak cap looked nice sticking out from behind my ear, that pen has nothing on this baby. Smooth glide, even flow, perfect grip (Mont Blanc needs to do some research into this squishy stuff) and it even has a handy little clip so you can hang in from your clothing.

They really thought of everything!

Eager to test out this wonderful birthday surprise, I opened up an innocuous pouch that had arrived in the mail that day. It appeared to be a book contract--how ideal! The course fiber overlay and luxuriantly light weight would pose a nice mix of obstacles for my new UniBall Premier 207 (with Squishy Grip™).

How would it handle this test? Would I be able to wield the thing properly on my first try, and with friends and family watching eagerly?

I must say, the results were quite pleasing. There was a little bleeding, but not too much. And even the best-engineered grip in the galaxy isn't going to fix my handwriting, so I couldn't blame the UniBall Premier 207 for the illegibility of its output. I'll chalk the rest up to my own nerves; quite a few patrons in the restaurant were gawking at the scene, which put me on the spot as if I was some sort of local hero.

Hey, it isn't everyday you meet someone with a UniBall Premier 207 ball-point pen in silver with a Squishy Grip™.

Official website of the UniBall Premier 207 with Squisy Grip™

Another review of this fine writing utensil at Cause and Defect

Me signing a book contract:

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