It wasn't that long ago that we had no website... and now we have forums! It's just too exciting. The world of Molly Fyde is expanding at relativistic speeds.
For those of you with Firefox, IE8, Chrome, Opera, and iPhones... you'll no doubt be impressed with how clean the forums look and how well they're integrated with the rest of the site. Those of you running IE7 and older... I haven't figured it out yet. No, not why you'd use ancient software when the upgrade is free, I haven't figured out how to code PHP well enough to sort the problem. Try reading the site over the shoulder of a non-Luddite and see if that helps.
What are forums for, you ask? The same thing Aristotle used them for, to mock ridiculous philosophical positions held by others, but in a snarky, non-cruel sort of way. Oh, and to debate about font choices. Our first active discussion guided me through the design of Molly's first cover. The font, banner idea, and some color choices even came from some of our first members. Okay, from one of them. Thanks, Lisa!
What are the forums not for? Plenty. I'll post some guidelines in the forums themselves, but I'd like to keep the foul language and adult themes in our short stories--where they belong. This site is intended for readers and writers of all ages to enjoy each others company. Anything that disturbs this mood will probably be deleted without animosity, like flies shooed from a pleasant picnic.
So, sign up. Poke around. Create some threads. Introduce yourselves. Tell me how insanely popular this series is gonna be (so you can brag later about what a keen prognosticator you are).
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